Silver Back


Black fur with a silver center. No one in the western world even knew they existed until an expedition in 1902 but…

We are not talking about silver back gorillas again. What we are talking about this time in Guitar Tales is a Silver to Black Teardrop Burst, Bobcat. In human hands, so much more musical.

It was John at Fuller’s Guitar in Houston, Texas, that envisioned having a Bobcat in his store, dressed up in In-Distress, Level 1, Silver to Black Burst. Kind of a silver back look, beautifully road-worn as a Level 1, in electric guitar form.

But when it comes time to manhandle and dominate a song or an entire set, a pet gorilla is not the answer. Alternatively however, the answer is a Bobcat—with its formidable and punchy mid range focus.

And to make matters even more not like a pet gorilla, Bobcat plays with refined grace, ease and flow. Music just pours outward, ridiculously and delightfully in tune, resulting in complex chords beating in beautiful harmony. It is really inspiring to play when chords are ringing out impeccably in tune; makes them sound huge.

So as it turns out, expedition-wise, 2024 is shaping up to be as cool as 1902, with the discovery of the Silver to Black Burst Teardrop Bobcat—single-cut cryptozoology and guitar playing all at its best.