Staying In With Daphne


Staying In With Daphne

Sounds good, doesn’t it? 

It is good and it is all going to be all right—for sure. Peace, Health and Wholeness is the most natural state for us to occupy and when we are not experiencing it we are continually moving in that direction until we arrive at it again. We are always surrounded by more “goodness” than we realize…always.   

And who is Daphne? 

Well, in this sublime situation Daphne is an enchanting T-Icon finished in Daphne Blue—with our In-Distress, Level 2 finish treatment—so it also has that excellently played-in look.

Imagine you and Daphne sequestered in your playing room, working on new songs with the most lush and robust T-tones at your beck and call, while complex chord inversions resound miraculously in-tune—even with the Traditional 3-Saddle Bridge—expertly compensated for accurate intonation.

So, so good, yes, this is the easy way to spend joyous and fulfilling moments.

Daphne Blue, obviously so named for Daphne, the ancient greek water nymph. She has quite a backstory. You might like to check it out sometime. 

General Motors introduced this color on their Cadillac in 1958. It went on to become the epochal electric guitar color, Daphne Blue.

What an amazing way to play through the day—on a vintage “T” of unparalleled performance. And…if you can keep a secret…is the very same T-Icon that we caught Tom trying to take home. Yes he did. We made him put it back as we built it for Mass Street Music in Lawrence, Kansas—which is where you can find Daphne waiting right now.

