My Cousin…Not Vinny


Let’s clarify this cousin thing, because…

More accurately the title should be:

Jonathan’s cousin Bryan.

Not a new movie but a new Guitar Tales…a Tale of Two Cities Cousins.

Seems Jonathan—moved by a new Angel Player in Organic Grain Fiesta Red with Black that appeared in Guitar Tales—scooped up this awesome axe before anyone else could make a move. Well, played Jonathan—in more ways than one.

By the graciousness of Jonathan, he let his cousin, Vinny Bryan, try out his new Angel Player. One strum into the experience and Bryan was sure he could hear angels singing. In one sense, that was literally what was happening.

Bryan could not take it any more and an emergency beacon was sent skyward to signal the Batma…. Wait…No…Well, almost…Let’s try that again:

Bryan could not take it any more and an emergency phone call was placed to Anderson Guitarworks and also to one of their exemplary dealers. Another Angel Player was required, but could it be done in Metallic Purple?

The answer was yes and a new Angel Player was underway for cousin Bryan.

And can you guess which Anderson dealer Bryan chose from which to receive his Angel Player?

Yes, it was Angel City Guitars. Coincidence? Location? Excellent service? All of the above? Or was it in the name. Could be, I guess, since it was Shakespeare who said, “What's in a name? That which we call a rose (or a music store), by any other word would smell (or sound) as sweet.”

Continuing with this same type of infallible logic, this is how Bryan, perhaps with some assistance from, Jonathan, Anderson Guitarworks, Angel City Guitars and maybe even Vinny and Shakespeare, intelligently and thoughtfully specced his new Metallic Purple, Angel Player for pure playing performance and formidable family fun.