Joey Sykes of The Baby's picks up his Seafoam Green Crowdster


Joey Sykes, guitarist of The Baby's, came by recently to pick up his new Crowdster. Quite a good looking rendition of this live music machine - fitting of Joey. 
Joey is a singer, songwriter, guitarist - and we're also happy to call him a Anderson Artist and a friend. You can find out more about Joey here:

Crowdster is the no compromise live music acoustic guitar that finally brought a happy ending to the syndrome know as:

Acoustic Guitar Misbehaving In A Live Playing Situation And I Wish It Could Sound As Good As It Does In The Studio. (AGMIALPSAIWICSAGAIDITS, for short)

Offered in several varieties, regardless of the Crowdster you choose there is no compromise, just pure playing pleasure.


Anderson Guitarworks - Museum of Ventura


We are honored to be featured in the exhibit of "Duets: Art and Artisans" at the Musuem of Ventura, located in Ventura, California. The exhibit will be open through June 5, 2016. Do check it out if you get the chance!